MSC Partnerships MSC Partnerships


Improving the long-term sustainability performance of our industry

requires collective action and proactive partnerships with stakeholders across the maritime ecosystem, capitalising and building on the interdependencies between different industries.

As a family company, MSC builds and maintains strong relationships with public and private stakeholders, industry associations, governments, non-governmental organisations and other relevant business partners listed below in order to deliver on our sustainability commitments.



Clean Cargo
European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
European Sustainable Shipping Forum
Getting to Zero Coalition
Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping
Hydrogen Council
International Chamber of Shipping
Maritime Just Transition Task Force
Maritime Anti-Corruption Network
Mercy Ships
Methanol Institute
North American Marine Environment Protection Association
Ocean 100 Dialogues
Ocean Stewardship Coalition
Responsible Shipping Dialogue
Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials
Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel
Sustainable Biomethane Alliance
Top Tier
TRACE International
United Nations Global Compact
United for Wildlife Transport Taskforce
World Economic Forum Supply Chain and Transportation Community
World Ocean Council
World Shipping Council